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4.5/5 The best and most famous places to observe these creatures during the above period are Raggies Cave and Cathedral.

3.5/5 This is a large sand patch in the inside edge of the reef, at the northern end of the…

3.5/5 Inside Edge, as its name suggests runs roughly North to South along the shoreward side of the Aliwal Shoal.…

3/5 For the avid diver this dive makes the big five on land pale into insignificance, and is a must…

5/5 This dive is rated as one of the main attractions that South Africa has to offer for the international…

5/5 This is Walters favorite dive, every time he comes up from the dive he babbles on like a person…

5/5 What is a good day? What is a bad day? If you are looking for pristine conditions on a…

5/5 As it is a reef dive the season is all year round. For people that enjoy a good drift…

5/5 One of the only drawbacks is the depth (27m). This is not a suitable dive for Open Water Divers.…

4.5/5 The best and most famous places to observe these creatures during the above period are Raggies Cave and Cathedral.

5/5 Have you ever taken yourself out of your comfort zone? Stared into the Abyss of your Fears, and emerged…