Aliwal Shoal South Africa

African Watersports is the first well-established dive charter concerned with the exploration and preservation of Aliwal Shoal South Africa. We have a passion for adrenaline fueled diving with all species of Shark and the Nile Crocodile in Botswana.
African Watersports
African Watersports is the first well-established dive charter concerned with the exploration and preservation of Aliwal Shoal South Africa.
Our accommodation is called Seascapes which is a splendid mix of African and Modern styling set in Umkomaas ,Widenham, with world class Shark Diving, Golf and Fishing on your doorstep.
Some of our divers want to see the pretty small fish, others want to hunt for the Giant Brindle Bass, others want to see Sharks up close and personal with no cages .
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Offering dives that no other charter can offer,
African Watersports will give you a dive experience you will never forget.

Please peruse our site at your leisure, you will find amazing underwater photographs by some of the world’s leading photographers, as well as information about the dive packages we offer.

“Sardine Run” Package
Duration: 7 Days (this is a 6 night/7 day package) Experience the faunal event of the year as millions of sardines prepare for their northward...
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Summer “Tiger” Tour
Duration: 10 Days Where else in the World can you get the diversity that South Africa has to offer as a one-stop destination? The diversity...
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Winter “Raggies” Tour
Duration: 10 Days Where else in the World can you get the diversity that South Africa has to offer as a one-stop destination? The diversity...
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Diving Spots

The Bull Ring
11/10 Have you ever taken yourself out of your comfort zone? Stared into the Abyss of your Fears, and emerged Victorious?
Read More "The Bull Ring"
The Produce
10/10 What is a good day? What is a bad day? If you are looking for pristine conditions on a good day the Produce produces the king of all dives.
Read More "The Produce"
The African Tiger
11/10 For the avid diver this dive makes the big five on land pale into insignificance, and is a must for all serious camera crews, adrenaline junkies and shark fanatics.
Read More "The African Tiger"
Raggie Close Encounter
10/10 The best and most famous places to observe these creatures during the above period are Raggies Cave and Cathedral.
Read More "Raggie Close Encounter"


We can truly say that summer is here again. During the month of September we have had some really good dives and mostly saw Duskys and Black tips, which are common for these months. The Tiger Shark dive is one of the most exclusive dives that South Africa has to offer. This is one of the only places in the world that divers have the opportunity to see these magnificent creatures in their own environment. Tiger sharks can be seen throughout the whole year, but the season high starts in 1 December and carries on all the way through to the end of May.